This weekend, Mozilla Indonesia Community hosted 2018 Jakarta Rocket Sprint. Located at Mozilla Community Space Jakarta, the event which aimed to generate the Javanese and Sundanese version of Firefox Rocket browser took place from Saturday morning to Sunday afternoon (11-12 August 2018). Four volunteers joined the Sundanese localization team while five others did the Javanese localization team. Mozilla Representative Fauzan Alfi led the Sundanese (basa Sunda) team and Rizki Kelimutu the Javanese (basa Jawa) one.
Acting as the event organizer, Fauzan said on the first day of sprint the volunteers were invited to localize all strings in Firefox Rocket browser. Next, the volunteers and both team leaders were agreed upon which suggestions to use and upload onto Pontoon.
The processes took a while as localization not only translated from one language into another but also capture subtle meaning and cultural context which are at times complicated and difficult to express in another language. Here the volunteers referred to the available sources of Javanese and Sundanese localization sources such as web reference, online and print dictionaries.
“On top of that, we also review volunteer contribution results on the second day,†told Fauzan who were joined by Delphine Lebedel (Mozilla Localization/ L10n Project Manager) and Mo Peiying (L10n Program Manager). The two also gave the volunteers some hints and directions so that localization outputs qualified and are compliant with Mozilla Foundation’s guidance.
On the second day, the contribution results already went live on Firefox Rocket for the testing purpose. At this stage, the volunteers were allowed to examine what was presented on screen and spot any bugs or strings that they felt bizarre or ambiguous in meaning.
Because Localization Sprint 2018 also aimed at building the proper foundation for contribution of Mozilla Indonesia Community volunteers in the future, there needs to be a style guide that they agree upon and see as a reference. The guidance was written at the same time by both teams. It will also be of great help in the event of new strings to add or minor changes.
The next form of support for Firefox Rocket users in Javanese and Sundanese is SuMo (Support Mozilla) articles. “Because Firefox Rocket has its Javanese and Sundanese version, there needs to be support pages in these two languages,†Rizki explained in his brief presentation.
Now that Firefox Rocket is localized for Javanese and Sundanese Internet users, we expect more people are accomodated. This is in accordance with Mozilla Manifesto which strives for one open, inclusive web for everyone on the planet regardless of languages they speak.
Are you curious about Firefox Rocket? Try to download it by clicking this link.
Written by : Akhlis Purnomo